Sunday, February 25, 2007

We are here!

To everyone who's wondering what we've been up to: we started blogging! I(Marina) found it challenging to keep in touch with with all of my friends and family in Ukraine and all over the world so I spent a couple hours at our computer figuring out how to use this new wonder of civilization.
The result is here: our new blog that we hope to be a way of communication with our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, Germany, Russia, Costa Rica, Latvia and many other places.
After getting married here in Bend in August 2006 we spent almost a full month honey-mooning on the cost of Oregon and California. It was a lot of fun driving around in our race van, seenig pretty places, visiting old friends and making new ones.
Now both of us work: Erik does construction in town, his company is building the coolest houses in Central Oregon. Interesting that most of the homes here are build out of wood (firefighters must love their job) and they so much remind me of cardboard (Erik does not appriciate my jokes of course).
I was blessed with a job in February as well. Working at an optometrist's office is a lot of fun and gives me opportunities to learn new things.
We are plugged in with Oasis church in Bend and both of us love our fellowship. Our small group reminds me of churches back in Ukraine: people with sencere hearts seeking the Lord. We are praying about starting a homegroup for new believers with other friends of ours and waiting for the Lord:)

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