Friday, September 14, 2007

My husband's mechanical skills

Here's our van. It's a nice van but it needs a lot of help. A few months ago Erik decided to clean it's engine and soaked it with some kind of degreaser . Well the engine looked cool but then he realized that the degreaser got into the air system and he couldn't use neither conditioner nor the heater because some poisonous fumes were filling up the vehicle.

Plus the van has EDD (electronic deficiency disorder) which manifests itself in a few interesting ways as well. There's a lot of

other issues as well, but i think since it's been getting colder the most pressing one for Erik was the heating.

So a few weeks ago he set to work. We made a trip to Costco and got some tools. In a few hours the car was ripped apart. By the way did you know that your car doesn't really need all of it's parts to drive? We did get new air filters in, but putting the thing back together was a slower process. Erik is still driving without his windshield wipers and a few other things (that I find very useful to have in my car) but the heating is back on!

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