Saturday, October 20, 2007

This is not California

Yepp, this is what I saw when we woke up this morning. White stuff everywhere that was cold and melted in my hands. Could that be snow? Yuck...


Cara Denney said...

No, that is not CA. :) I am here and it is sunny and warm...aaahhh. :) Probably will not make it to Bend, guys...sorry. :( Really wanted to..will call you soon. Just now got your numbers off here...sorry. :( Been CRAZY busy, but good trip. Love you!

Olya Velichko said...

It looks like we will have snow very soon here too. Winter is around the corner.It is getting colder and colder. Brrrrrrr...

MVision said...

Yeah! And California is burning down!

Unknown said...

It's still + 85 Farenheit in Florida! You'll enjoy your vacation here Olya!!!

Taras Levchuk said...

Hi Erik and Marina, i uploaded some of my new pics from both worlds in internet.
do svidaniya)

Brenten Powers said...

Glad to know we aren't the only ones who have been snowed on lately. I feel somehow closer to you my friends. Caleb actually loves it. See the pictures at our blog and
We love you both!