Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Snowboarding again

Couldn't help it! We had almost two feet of fresh last weekend and it felt like riding a cloud! Erik was ripping it doing smaller jumps and taking "jib" lines (that's his own term that is a little hard to explain). I stayed on the ground but made a lot of progress with my turning.


Olya Velichko said...

you have a cast and you are snowboarding!? Wow, that`s what we are calling extreem.

Ira said...

That's devotion right there.

ps could you guys ship us some snow please?? All of Chernigov oblast is bare, gloomy and cloudy - and not a snowflake!!
I seriously envy you guys.

MVision said...

Ira, the snow melted today (although there's still lots of it on the mountain). As for snowboarding with a broken arm... well, it's already broken so I might as well:) Love you girls:)

Lena Powers said...

Just wanted to say hi, and thanks for leaving such sweet comments on my blog lately! I love you guys and miss you too!

Anonymous said...

hey, marina, good to hear from you. your blog makes me want to live bend!! looks like a lot of fun.
ellis is doing really well now. he has some restrictions on running and jumping (yeah, right, tell that to a 5 year old boy!), but he's pretty much back to normal. we have to get the baby checked out next week though, she's starting to walk funny now and could have the same thing as El. so, yeah, not very fun, but otherwise we are doing really good and having fun with all these kids...