Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lost in "Lost"

We were always sceptical about TV series and even tho we have cable at home me and Erik hardly watch anything but History and Discovery Channels, I like watching Fox news too, esp. The O'Reilly Factor. So when a friend of ours brought over the first season of "Lost"I didn't think we would ever get to watch it. I was WRONG! We are on season 2 right now and still hooked. Help!!!!


Tim Emerson said...

Oh I completely understand Marina. We obtained a DVD set of season 1 over here and the addiction bug bit us too. Thankfully, we have control over it now because season two is lost itself to us.

We were talking about this awhile back when Ethan was visiting and it seems to be the new evolution in television. You pretty much HAVE to watch the previous episode and to miss an episode is to miss an essential part.

The problem comes when it interferes and becomes more intrusive - overcoming God in our lives.

Technology is an amazing thing, but so very dangerous also. Can you imagine what media will be like in only 5-10 years?!

MVision said...

Oh, I don't even wanna know, Tim. It's crazy how it influences our minds. Me and Erik kept constantly talking about the characters and events of that movie. We had to take a break!