Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chinese footbinding

O'k guys, here's something crazy that totally blew my mind. Well I guess most of us knew from history lessons at least something about Chinese footbindings, what I personally did not know was the extent and cruelty of this crippling tradition. Let's start at the beginning: the legend goes that one of the Chinese emperors about a thousand years ago had a dancer who used to bind her feet to shape them into half moon to entertain her master. I don't know how she danced on those but the emperor was very pleased and since then it became more common for high class ladies to bind their feet. With time the tradition sipped thru to middle class and poor families thus encompassing the whole nation. The reason for women binding their feet went deeper than fashion and reflected the role of women in Chinese society. It was necessary then in China for a woman to have bound feet in order to achieve a good life. Approximately one billion women in China have preformed it for nearly one thousand years.

The process of footbinding started when girls were anywhere from four to seven years old. It was done so early in her life so that the arch did not have much time to develop. The mother who was the one to bind the feet, and usually started the process late in the fall or winter, so the foot would be numb and the pain would not be as severe. The daughters' feet would first be soaked in warm water or animal blood and herbs. The special potion that was used for this caused any dead flesh to fall off .She would have her toe nails cut as short as possible therefore not allowing them to grow into the foot. After she received a foot massage, the four smallest toes on each foot were broken. This was not even the worst of the pain. The mother soaked silk or cotton bandages in the same liquid the girl's feet were soaked in. The bandages, which were ten feet long and two inches wide, were wrapped around the smallest toes and pulled tightly to the heel. Every two days, the binding was removed and rebound. This part of the process went on for two years. By this time her feet were three to four inches long. To assure the feet staying small, the ritual continued for at least ten more years.

The process was very painful; every time the feet were rebound the bandages were pulled tighter. But besides just the pain of the process, there were many after affects that were detrimental to the young girls' health. The pain of the bound feet never stopped. The most common consequence was infection. One of appr. 10 girls died as the result.

Chinese footbinding was more than just an attempt to achieve beauty, it was a way of life for more than a billion women: weak and helpless. The tradition was finally abolished in 1911 after the revolution of Sun Yat-Sen.

The reason I did some research on it was a book by Lisa See "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" that describes lives of two girls in China. Reading that book was like entering a whole new world that was heartbreaking and magical at the same time.


Will and Ira said...

Wow that's so sick! Praise the Lord they don't do that anymore... My question is how they even walked all that entire time?? Is it bearable at all? I doubt they had ibuprofen back then....

Olya Velichko said...

"the four smallest toes on each foot were broken"
People can do weird stuff for the beauty sake. And what`s more stunning they were doing it thinking that it is just the way it is supposed to be. Crazy!

Sorry, Marina. I did not notice your comment on my blog about the phone number. I`ll e-mail it too you!

Marina said...

crazy! sometimes it just amazes me that we, people, are so stupid!!

Jake Knotts said...

Poor little girls. if somebody was making me do this to my baby i would probably break all of their toes first.... then fingers.... just kiddin. in all seriousness, chinese cruelty has always freake me out.

Paul & Gretchen said...

Okay praise the Lord I wasn't born into Chinese culture especially back then. I have a question though how did the heal end up like that and is that her toes underneath her foot?

Unknown said...

I am reading the book now and am almost finished, the two girls are now binding their own daughters feet - this has so fascinated me i had to come on the net to see what the heck it is all about - the pain described in the book is unreal, all those poor Chinese women and what were (are?) been subjected to generation after generation is totally horrific